Contributing and Development#

Thank you for considering to contribute to palaestrAI’s development! We appreciate bug reports and patches. palaestrAI is developed on Gitlab. There, you can access all developer resources, such as the issue tracker and the source code.

Filing Bugs#

Issues can be reported against our issue tracker. We have a number of pre-defined templates that help you to collect necessary information for us to track and fix the bug. Please try to provide as much information as possible:

  • A concise description of the bug: what did you intend to do, what happened instead?

  • The error message, if there is any.

  • The command line parameters, runtime configuration, and experiment run file (if used)

  • Your version of Python you are using, and the version of all modules (pip freeze gives you that).

In order to gather as many information as possible, you can also run the palaestrai executable with -vv to produce debugging output. Please be aware that this will probably lead to a lot of text, so redirecting the output to a file is advised:

palaestrai -vv experiment-start my_run_file.yml 2>&1 | tee debug.log

Getting the Sources#

To access the source code, clone the palaestrAI repository from To install, run:

pip install -e '.[dev]'

This allows to edit the source code and still run palaestrai.

Work flow#

  1. File a bug/feature/support request in the issue tracker

  2. Create a merge request with a feature branch in Gitlab.

  3. Provide a unit test for the bug/feature you have been working on.

  4. Fix the bug/work on the feature.

  5. Run black -l 79 ./src/palaestrai ./tests to auto-format the code

  6. Run tox and clean up all errors. (Run tox -e full-docker to also run system tests using docker and docker-compose)

  7. Request a merge. The merge will happen after a code review; work-in-progress code gets first merged into development

Once the current development branch has ripened enough, it is merged to master. The master branch must contain code that is stable. New releases are only tagged on master branch commits.

Writing Tests#

palaestrAI development is supported by three kinds of test cases:

  1. unit tests in tests/unit

  2. system tests in tests/system

  3. integration tests in tests/integration.

Unit tests use the standard Python facilities under test.unit. They are responsible for ensuing the functionality of individual components.

System tests are writting using the Robot Framework. Integration tests usually run palaestrAI itself, either from the CLI or by using the palaestrai.execute API entry point. All system tests are run in parallel using Pabot. Because some tests rely on resource usage or timing (e.g., signal tests), the execution of system tests is controlled through the tests/system/ordering file.

Integration tests finally execute the larger palaestrAI stack, pulling in packages such as palaestrai-environments or harl. They, too, are implemented using the Robot Framework.