Source code for palaestrai.experiment.experiment_run

"""This module contains the class :class:`ExperimentRun` that defines
an experiment run and contains all the information needed to execute

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, IO, Union, Optional, Any

import importlib.resources
import io
import logging
import pprint
import uuid
from io import StringIO
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
import copy

from importlib.metadata import (
    version as importlib_version,
)  # had to be renamed because else it would clash with the ExperimentRun class version
import ruamel.yaml as yml
import sqlalchemy
from numpy.random import RandomState
from ruamel.yaml.constructor import ConstructorError

from ..agent import AgentConductor
from ..environment import EnvironmentConductor
from ..types.mode import Mode
from ..util import seeding
from ..util.dynaloader import load_with_params
from ..util.exception import UnknownModeError, EnvironmentHasNoUIDError
from ..util.syntax_validation import (
from import database_model as dbm
from import Session
from sqlalchemy import select

    from palaestrai.simulation import SimulationController
    from palaestrai.experiment import TerminationCondition
    import sqlalchemy.orm

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RunDefinitionError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, run: ExperimentRun, message): super().__init__(message) self.message = message = run def __str__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (self.message,
[docs] class ExperimentRun: """Defines an experiment run and stores information. The experiment run class defines a run in palaestrAI. It contains all information needed to execute the run. With the setup function the experiment run can be build. Parameters ---------- """ SCHEMA_FILE = "run_schema.yaml" def __init__( self, uid: Union[str, None], seed: Union[int, None], version: Union[str, None], schedule: List[Dict], run_config: dict, ): if seed is None: # numpy expects a seed between 0 and 2**32 - 1 self.seed: int = seeding.create_seed(max_bytes=4) else: self.seed = seed self.rng: RandomState = seeding.np_random(self.seed)[0] if uid is None: self.uid = f"ExperimentRun-{uuid.uuid4()}" LOG.warning( "Experiment run has no uid, please set one to " "identify it (assign the 'uid' key). Generated: " "'%s', so that you can find it in the store.", self.uid, ) else: self.uid = uid palaestrai_version = importlib_version("palaestrai") if version is None: self.version = palaestrai_version LOG.warning( "No version has been specified. There is no guarantee " "that this run will be executed without errors. Please " "set the version (assign the 'version' key) in the run " "file. Current palaestrAI version is '%s'.", self.version, ) elif version != palaestrai_version: self.version = version LOG.warning( "Your palaestrAI installation has version %s but your " "run file uses version %s, which may be incompatible.", palaestrai_version, version, ) else: self.version = version yaml = yml.YAML(typ="safe") yaml.representer.add_representer( RandomState, ExperimentRun.repr_randomstate ) yaml.constructor.add_constructor( "rng", ExperimentRun.constr_randomstate ) self.schedule_config = schedule self.run_config = run_config self.run_governor_termination_condition: TerminationCondition self.schedule: List self._instance_uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._canonical_config = None @property def instance_uid(self): """The unique ID of this particular experiment run instance As an ::`ExperimentRun` object is transferred via network, stored in the DB, etc., it still remains the same instance, but it becomes different objects in memory. This UID identifies it even if it travels over the network. Returns ------- str The instances unique ID """ return self._instance_uid @property def canonical_config(self): if self._canonical_config is None: self._canonical_config = self._expand_config() return self._canonical_config
[docs] def create_subseed(self) -> int: """uses the seeded random number generator to create reproducible sub-seeds""" # number 5000 is arbitrary, for the numpy RandomState, could be any integer between 0 and 2**32 - 1 a = self.rng.randint(0, 5000) return a
[docs] @staticmethod def repr_randomstate(representer, data): """Custom serializer and deserializer so we can dump our subseed Data = rng""" serializedData = str(data) return representer.represent_scalar("rng", serializedData)
[docs] @staticmethod def constr_randomstate(constructor, node): value = yml.loader.Constructor().construct_scalar(node) a = map(int, value.split(" ")) return map(RandomState, a)
def _expand_config(self) -> Dict: """Expanding the experiment run phases. Experiment run definition implements a cascading hierarchy. """ canonical_config = dict() # type: Dict[Any, Any] expanded_schedule = list() config = dict() # type: Dict[Any, Any] canonical_config.update({"uid": self.uid}) canonical_config.update({"seed": self.seed}) for ( phase ) in self.schedule_config: # cascade expansion of the schedule phases phase_name = list(phase.keys())[0] expanded_schedule.append( { phase_name: copy.deepcopy( update_dict(config, phase[phase_name]) ) } ) canonical_config.update({"schedule": expanded_schedule}) canonical_config.update({"run_config": self.run_config}) return canonical_config def _setup_termination_condition(self): """Set up the termination condition..""" rgtc = self.run_config["condition"] LOG.debug( "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) loading RunGovernor " "TerminationCondition: %s.", id(self), self.uid, rgtc["name"], ) try: rgtc = load_with_params(rgtc["name"], rgtc["params"]) except Exception as err: LOG.critical( "Could not load termination condition '%s' with params " "%s for RunGovernor: %s", rgtc["name"], rgtc["params"], err, ) raise err self.run_governor_termination_condition = rgtc def _setup_schedule(self, broker_uri: str): """Initialize the run time schedule Setup the schedule objects. """ self.schedule = list() for num, phase in enumerate(self.canonical_config["schedule"]): if len(phase) > 1: raise RunDefinitionError( self, ( "Only one phase per phase allowed but " f"found {len(phase)} phases." ), ) elif len(phase) < 1: LOG.warning( "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) found empty phase: " "%d, skipping this one.", id(self), self.uid, num, ) continue phase_name = list(phase.keys())[0] config = phase[phase_name] agent_configs = dict() # type: Dict[Any,Any] self.schedule.append(dict()) self.schedule[num]["phase_config"] = config["phase_config"].copy() self._setup_environment_conductor( num, phase_name, config, broker_uri ) self._setup_agent_conductor(num, phase_name, config, agent_configs) self._setup_simulation_controller( num, phase_name, config, agent_configs, broker_uri ) def _setup_environment_conductor( self, phase_num: int, phase_name: str, config, broker_uri ): """Initialize an :class:`~EnvironmentConductor` for current phase.""" for env_config in config["environments"]: self.schedule[phase_num].setdefault( "environment_conductors", dict() ) env_uid = env_config["environment"].get("uid", None) if env_uid is None or env_uid == "": LOG.critical( "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s): One of your " "environments has no UID configured. Please " "provide UIDs for all of your environments. " "PalaestrAI, over and out!", id(self), self.uid, ) raise EnvironmentHasNoUIDError() ec = EnvironmentConductor( env_config, self.create_subseed(), ) self.schedule[phase_num]["environment_conductors"][ec.uid] = ec LOG.debug( "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) set up %d " "EnvironmentConductor object(s) for phase %d: '%s'", id(self), self.uid, len(self.schedule[phase_num]["environment_conductors"]), phase_num, phase_name, ) if len(self.schedule[phase_num]["environment_conductors"]) == 0: raise RunDefinitionError( self, f"No environments defined for phase {phase_num}." ) def _setup_agent_conductor( self, phase_num: int, phase_name: str, config, agent_configs: Dict[Any, Any], ): """Initialize an :class:`~AgentConductor` for current phase.""" for agent_config in config["agents"]: self.schedule[phase_num].setdefault("agent_conductors", dict()) ac_conf = {key: value for key, value in agent_config.items()} ac = AgentConductor( agent_config=ac_conf, seed=self.create_subseed(), uid=agent_config["name"], ) self.schedule[phase_num]["agent_conductors"][ac.uid] = ac agent_configs[ac.uid] = ac_conf num_agent_definitions = len(config["agents"]) num_agent_conductors = len( self.schedule[phase_num]["agent_conductors"] ) LOG.debug( "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) set up %d AgentConductor " "object(s) for phase %d: '%s'.", id(self), self.uid, num_agent_conductors, phase_num, phase_name, ) if num_agent_conductors == 0: raise RunDefinitionError( self, f"No agents defined for phase {phase_num}." ) if num_agent_conductors != num_agent_definitions: raise RunDefinitionError( self, f"Your experiment run configuration for phase {phase_num} " f"contains ambiguities: " f"{num_agent_definitions} agent definitions spawned " f"{num_agent_conductors} unique agents. " f"Please check that all agent names are unique.", ) def _setup_simulation_controller( self, phase_num: int, phase_name: str, config, agent_configs: Dict[Any, Any], broker_uri, ): """Initialize a :class:`~SimulationController` for current phase.""" for _ in range(int(config["phase_config"].get("worker", 1))): self.schedule[phase_num].setdefault( "simulation_controllers", dict() ) try: mode = Mode[ config["phase_config"].get("mode", "train").upper() ] except KeyError as err: raise UnknownModeError(err) if not config["simulation"]["name"].endswith( "SimulationController" ): config["simulation"]["name"] += "SimulationController" sc: SimulationController = load_with_params( config["simulation"]["name"], { "sim_connection": broker_uri, "rungov_connection": broker_uri, "agent_conductor_ids": list( self.schedule[phase_num]["agent_conductors"].keys() ), "environment_conductor_ids": list( self.schedule[phase_num][ "environment_conductors" ].keys() ), "termination_conditions": config["simulation"][ "conditions" ], "agents": agent_configs, "mode": mode, }, ) self.schedule[phase_num]["simulation_controllers"][sc.uid] = sc LOG.debug( "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) set up %d " "SimulationController object(s) for phase %d: '%s'.", id(self), self.uid, len(self.schedule[phase_num]["simulation_controllers"]), phase_num, phase_name, ) if len(self.schedule[phase_num]["simulation_controllers"]) == 0: raise RunDefinitionError( self, "No simulation controller defined. Either " "'workers' < 1 or 'name' of key 'simulation' is " "not available.", )
[docs] def setup(self, broker_uri): """Set up an experiment run. Creates and configures relevant actors. """ LOG.debug("ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) setup.", id(self), self.uid) self._setup_termination_condition() self._setup_schedule(broker_uri) "ExperimentRun(id=0x%x, uid=%s) setup complete.", id(self), self.uid, )
[docs] def environment_conductors( self, phase=0 ) -> Dict[str, EnvironmentConductor]: return self.schedule[phase]["environment_conductors"]
[docs] def agent_conductors(self, phase=0): return self.schedule[phase]["agent_conductors"]
[docs] def simulation_controllers(self, phase=0): return self.schedule[phase]["simulation_controllers"]
[docs] def get_phase_name(self, phase: int): return list(self.schedule_config[phase].keys())[0]
[docs] def get_episodes(self, phase: int): return self.schedule[phase]["phase_config"].get("episodes", 1)
[docs] def phase_configuration(self, phase: int): return self.schedule[phase]["phase_config"]
@property def num_phases(self): """The number of phases in this experiment run's schedule.""" return len(self.schedule)
[docs] def has_next_phase(self, current_phase): """Return if this run has a subsequent phase. Parameters ---------- current_phase: int Index of the phase that is being executed. Returns ------- bool True if at least one phase is taking place after the current phase. """ return current_phase + 1 < self.num_phases
[docs] @staticmethod def check_syntax( path_or_stream: Union[str, IO[str], PathLike] ) -> SyntaxValidationResult: """Checks if the provided experiment configuration conforms with our syntax. Parameters ---------- path_or_stream: 1. str - Path to an experiment configuration file 2. Path - Same as above 3. Any text stream Returns ---------- SyntaxValidationResult: Custom object that contains the following information: 1. SyntaxValidationResult.is_valid: Whether the provided experiment is valid or not (::`bool`). 2. SyntaxValidationResult.error_message: Contains ::`None` if the experiment is valid or the corresponding error message if it is invalid. """ with importlib.resources.path( __package__, ExperimentRun.SCHEMA_FILE ) as path: validation_result = SyntaxValidationResult.validate_syntax( path_or_stream, path ) return validation_result
[docs] @staticmethod def load(str_path_stream_or_dict: Union[str, Path, Dict, IO[str]]): """Load an ::`ExerimentRun` object from a serialized representation. This method serves as deserializing constructor. It takes a path to a file, a dictionary representation, or a stream and creates a new ::`ExperimentRun` object from it. This method also validates the string/stream representation. Parameters ---------- str_path_stream_or_dict : Union[str, Path, Dict, IO[str]] * If `str`, it is interpreted as a file path, and the file is resolved and loaded; * if `Path`, the same happens as above; * if `Dict`, the ::`ExperimentRun` object is initialized directly from the values of the `Dict`; * if `TextIO`, the method assumes that it is a serialzed representation of the ::`ExperimentRun` object (e.g., from an open file stream) and interprets it as YAML (with a prior syntax/schema check). Returns ------- ExperimentRun An initialized, de-serialized ::`ExperimentRun` object """ LOG.debug("Loading configuration from %s.", str_path_stream_or_dict) # If we get a dict directly, we syntax check nevertheless. if isinstance(str_path_stream_or_dict, dict): sio = StringIO() yml.YAML(typ="safe", pure=True).dump(str_path_stream_or_dict, sio) str_path_stream_or_dict = sio if isinstance(str_path_stream_or_dict, (str, Path)): try: str_path_stream_or_dict = open(str_path_stream_or_dict, "r") except OSError as err: LOG.error("Could not open run configuration: %s.", err) raise err # Load from YAML + schema check: validation_result = ExperimentRun.check_syntax(str_path_stream_or_dict) if not validation_result: LOG.error( "ExperimentRun definition did not schema validate: %s", validation_result.error_message, ) raise SyntaxValidationError(validation_result) try: conf = yml.YAML(typ="safe", pure=True).load( str_path_stream_or_dict ) str_path_stream_or_dict.close() except ConstructorError as err: LOG.error("Could not load run configuration: %s.", err) raise err finally: if isinstance(str_path_stream_or_dict, io.TextIOBase): str_path_stream_or_dict.close() LOG.debug("Loaded configuration: %s.", conf) return ExperimentRun( uid=conf.get("uid", conf.get("id", None)), seed=conf.get("seed", None), version=conf.get("version", None), schedule=conf["schedule"], run_config=conf["run_config"], )
[docs] def save( self, experiment_uid: Optional[str] = None, session: Optional[sqlalchemy.orm.Session] = None, ): """Save an ::`ExerimentRun` object to the store. This method saves an experiment run and adds it to the database. Connection credentials are taken from the runtime config. If an ``experiment_uid`` is supplied, then the experiment run is also associated with it in the database. A session instance can also be supplied in order ot reuse an open database connection. Otherwise, a new connection will be opened. Parameters ---------- experiment_uid : Optional[str] The unique ID of this particular experiment run instance session : Optional[Session] Creates a new, connected database session to run queries on. """ _session = session if not _session: _session = Session() if experiment_uid is None: experiment_uid = ( "Dummy Experiment record " "for ExperimentRun %s" % self.uid ) query = select(dbm.Experiment).where( == experiment_uid ) experiment_hack_record = _session.execute(query).scalars().first() if not experiment_hack_record: experiment_hack_record = dbm.Experiment(name=experiment_uid) yaml = yml.YAML(typ="safe") yaml.register_class(ExperimentRun) yaml.representer.add_representer( RandomState, ExperimentRun.repr_randomstate ) yaml.constructor.add_constructor( "rng", ExperimentRun.repr_randomstate ) _session.add(experiment_hack_record) query = select(dbm.ExperimentRun).where( dbm.ExperimentRun.uid == self.uid ) result = _session.execute(query).scalars().all() if len(result) > 1: LOG.warning( "Found %d entries for ExperimentRun(uid=%s) " "when there should be at most one. I'm going to use the first " "one, but if strange things happen, don't blame it on me.", len(result), self.uid, ) try: experiment_run_record = result[0] except IndexError: experiment_run_record = dbm.ExperimentRun( uid=self.uid, document=self, ) experiment_hack_record.experiment_runs.append( experiment_run_record ) finally: if not session: _session.close() try: _session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e: LOG.exception( "%s was not possible to run properly: It " "was not possible to save the runs of Experiment (uid=%s)! Perhaps " "your environment does not provide enough entropy, or we have " "a resend. I'm going to ignore this error and continue as " "best as I can. (%s)", self.uid, e, ) finally: if not session: _session.close() if not session: _session.close()
[docs] def update_dict(src, upd): """Recursive update of dictionaries. See stackoverflow: update-value-of-a-nested-dictionary-of-varying-depth """ for key, val in upd.items(): if isinstance(val, src[key] = update_dict(src.get(key, {}), val) else: src[key] = val return src
def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.canonical_config, indent=4)