Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import queue
import threading
import uuid
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any

import jsonpickle
import jsonpickle.ext.numpy as jsonpickle_numpy
import ruamel.yaml as yml
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.engine
import sqlalchemy.exc
import sqlalchemy.orm
import time
import zlib
from numpy.random import RandomState
from sqlalchemy import select, Text
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified

import palaestrai.core.MDP as MDP
import palaestrai.core.protocol as proto
from palaestrai.core.runtime_config import RuntimeConfig
from palaestrai.core.serialisation import deserialize
from . import database_model as dbm

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class StoreReceiver(threading.Thread): """The message receiver of the palaestrAI store. The store hooks into the global communication, reading every message that is being exchanged between :class:`Executor`, :class:`RunGovernor`, :class:`AgentConductor`, :class:`Environment`, :class:`Brain`, and :class:`Muscle` instances. From these messages, it reads all relevant status information in order to relay them to the store database for later analysis of experiments. """ def __init__(self, queue, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._queue = queue self._buffer = [] self._running = True self._uid = uuid.uuid4() self._db_engine = None self._db_session_maker = None self._db_session = None self._db_connection_open = False self._message_dispatch = { v: None for k, v in proto.__dict__.items() if ( inspect.isclass(v) and (k.endswith("Request") or k.endswith("Response")) ) } self._message_dispatch.update( { proto.ExperimentRunStartRequest: self._write_experiment, proto.SimulationStartRequest: self._write_experiment_run_phase, proto.EnvironmentSetupResponse: self._write_environment, proto.EnvironmentStartResponse: None, proto.EnvironmentUpdateResponse: self._write_world_state, proto.AgentSetupRequest: self._write_agent, proto.AgentSetupResponse: self._write_muscles, proto.MuscleUpdateRequest: self._write_muscle_actions, proto.SimulationControllerTerminationResponse: self._invalidate_cache, } ) try: self._store_uri = RuntimeConfig().store_uri if not self._store_uri: raise KeyError except KeyError: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=%0xd, uid=%s) " "has no store_uri configured, I'm going to disable myself. :-(" " If you want to employ me, set the 'store_uri' runtime " "configuration parameter.", id(self), self._uid, ) self.disable() jsonpickle_numpy.register_handlers() jsonpickle.set_preferred_backend("simplejson") jsonpickle.set_encoder_options("simplejson", ignore_nan=True) # Cache to avoid lookup queries: self._environment_ticks: Dict[Tuple, int] = {} self._known_agents: Dict[Tuple, dbm.Agent] = {} self._known_environments: Dict[Tuple, dbm.Environment] = {}
[docs] def disable(self): """Disables the store completely.""" for k in self._message_dispatch.keys(): # Disable all handlers. self._message_dispatch[k] = None if self._db_session: # Explicitly close session here or we will see "session used in # wrong thread" errors, because the garbage collector runs in a # different thread. self._db_session.close() self._db_session = None self._db_connection_open = False
@property def uid(self): return self._uid @property def _dbh(self) -> sqlalchemy.orm.session: if self._db_engine is None: self._db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( RuntimeConfig().store_uri, json_serializer=jsonpickle.dumps, json_deserializer=jsonpickle.loads, ) self._db_session_maker = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker() self._db_session_maker.configure(bind=self._db_engine) if self._db_session is None: try: self._db_session = self._db_session_maker() LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver(id=%0xd, uid=%s) connected to: %s", id(self), self.uid, RuntimeConfig().store_uri, ) except ( sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError, ) as e: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=%0xd, uid=%s) " "could not connect to %s: %s. " "I'm going to say good-bye to this cruel world now!", id(self), self.uid, RuntimeConfig().store_uri, e, ) self.disable() return self._db_session def _maybe_commit(self): # There's a magic number here. # The reason is simply buffering. Writing out every single update is # too expensive in terms of I/O. Buffering all doesn't work as well. # So we keep a small amount of updates and write them out in bulk. # Just enough to be more efficient, but not so much as to cause # memory issues. # The number is just an educated guess, really. if len( >= RuntimeConfig().store_buffer_size * ( len(self._known_agents) + len(self._known_environments) ): self._dbh.commit()
[docs] def run(self): """Run the store.""" LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) revving the engines...", id(self), self._uid, ) while ( self._running or not self._queue.empty() or len(self._buffer) > 0 ): while len(self._buffer) > 0: LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver(id=%0xd, uid=%s) " "tries to drain our buffer (len=%d).", id(self), self.uid, len(self._buffer), ) messages = self._buffer self._buffer = [] while messages and len(self._buffer) == 0: self.write(messages.pop(0)) if len(self._buffer) > 0: # write unsuccessful self._buffer += messages # Store back the rest time.sleep(1) try: msg = self._queue.get(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: time.sleep(1) continue msg_type, msg_uid, msg_obj = StoreReceiver._read(msg) LOG.debug( "%s received message: type=%s, uid=%s, payload=%s; queue " "size: %s", self, msg_type, msg_uid, msg_obj, self._queue.qsize(), ) if msg_type in ("ignore", "error"): self._queue.task_done() continue if isinstance(msg_obj, list): "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) received a list of " "%d messages. Handling all these messages separately.", id(self), self._uid, len(msg_obj), ) for msg in msg_obj: self.write(msg) else: self.write(msg_obj) self._queue.task_done() self.disable()"%s has shut down.", self)
[docs] def shutdown(self): "%s prepares to shut down: waiting to process %s messages in the " "queue.", self, self._queue.qsize(), ) self._running = False
[docs] def write(self, message): """Main method called to write a message to the buffer.""" if message.__class__ not in self._message_dispatch: StoreReceiver._handle_unknown_message(message) return if self._message_dispatch[message.__class__] is not None: try: LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) dispatching message %s; " "%d messages waiting", id(self), self.uid, message, self._queue.qsize(), ) self._message_dispatch[message.__class__](message) # Successful writes mean that the connection is truly open: self._db_connection_open = True except ( sqlalchemy.exc.NoForeignKeysError, sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError, ) as e: LOG.critical( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "notes that the developers are too stupid to get the " "schema right: %s", id(self), self.uid, e, ) self.disable() except ( sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError, sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError, ) as e: if not self._db_connection_open: LOG.critical( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "failed to write to the database: %s. " "Please check that connecting to the database is " "possible and that you have run `palaestrai " "database-create'. I'm going to disable myself now. " "Go on with your puny experiment, I can't keep track " "of it!", id(self), self.uid, e, ) self.disable() else: LOG.warning( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "failed to write to the database: %s." "I will buffer the messages until the database " "is available again and write them to the database " "then.", id(self), self.uid, e, ) self._buffer.append(message) try: self._dbh.rollback() except: pass # We try to clean up as much as possible. self._db_session = None self._db_connection_open = False LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "added message to the buffer. " "Number of entries in the buffer is %d ", id(self), self.uid, len(self._buffer), )
@staticmethod def _handle_unknown_message(message): LOG.warning( "Store received message %s, but cannot handle it - ignoring", message, ) def _write_experiment(self, msg: proto.ExperimentRunStartRequest): from palaestrai.experiment.experiment_run import ExperimentRun dummy_experiment_name = ( "Dummy Experiment record " "for ExperimentRun %s" % msg.experiment_run_id ) query = select(dbm.Experiment).where( == dummy_experiment_name ) experiment_hack_record = self._dbh.execute(query).scalars().first() if not experiment_hack_record: experiment_hack_record = dbm.Experiment(name=dummy_experiment_name) yaml = yml.YAML(typ="safe") yaml.register_class(ExperimentRun) yaml.representer.add_representer( RandomState, ExperimentRun.repr_randomstate ) yaml.constructor.add_constructor( "rng", ExperimentRun.repr_randomstate ) self._dbh.add(experiment_hack_record) query = select(dbm.ExperimentRun).where( dbm.ExperimentRun.uid == msg.experiment_run.uid ) result = self._dbh.execute(query).scalars().all() if len(result) > 1: LOG.warning( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "found %d entries for ExperimentRun(uid=%s) " "when there should be at most one. I'm going to use the first " "one, but if strange things happen, don't blame it on me.", id(self), self.uid, len(result), msg.experiment_run_id, ) try: experiment_run_record = result[0] except IndexError: experiment_run_record = dbm.ExperimentRun( uid=msg.experiment_run.uid, document=msg.experiment_run, ) experiment_hack_record.experiment_runs.append( experiment_run_record ) # Every time we see an ExperimentRunStartRequest, it means that we # also create a new instance of this run. try: experiment_run_record.experiment_run_instances.append( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance( uid=msg.experiment_run.instance_uid, ) ) self._dbh.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e: LOG.warning( "%s encountered a glitch in the Matrix: A record for " "ExperimentRunInstance(uid=%s) was already there! Perhaps " "your environment does not provide enough entropy, or we have " "a resend. I'm going to ignore this error and continue as " "best as I can. (%s)", self, msg.experiment_run.instance_uid, e, ) def _write_experiment_run_phase( self, message: proto.SimulationStartRequest ): query = select(dbm.ExperimentRunInstance).where( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.uid == message.experiment_run_instance_id ) try: experiment_run_instance_record = ( self._dbh.execute(query).scalars().one() ) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error( "%s received a %s, but could not find an instance of %s. " "I cannot store information about this phase; expect more " "errors ahead.", self, repr(message), message.experiment_run_instance_id, ) return except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: LOG.error( "%s received a %s, " "but there was already an entry for it! I won't create a new " "one, but you might see more errors ahead.", self, repr(message), ) return LOG.debug( "%s writing new ExperimentRunPhase for " "ExperimentRun(uid=%s, instance_uid=%s).", self, message.experiment_run_id, message.experiment_run_instance_id, ) try: experiment_run_instance_record.experiment_run_phases.append( dbm.ExperimentRunPhase( number=message.experiment_run_phase,, uid=message.experiment_run_phase_id, configuration=message.experiment_run_phase_configuration, mode=message.experiment_run_phase_configuration.get( "mode", None ), ) ) self._dbh.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e: LOG.debug( "%s saw a %s, but got an IntegrityError from the DB (%s). " "I assume a reset and will ignore this error.", self, repr(message), e, ) self._dbh.rollback() def _write_environment(self, message: proto.EnvironmentSetupResponse): query = ( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase ) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.experiment_run_phases) .where( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.uid == message.experiment_run_instance_id, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.number == message.experiment_run_phase, ) ) try: result = self._dbh.execute(query).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered an EnvironmentSetupResponse(" "experiment_run_id=%s, experiment_run_instance_id=%s, " "experiment_run_phase=%s), " "but there are duplicate entries for this run phase. " "I will not record this environment as I do not know to which " "phase it belongs. " "Expect more errors from the store ahead.", id(self), self.uid, message.experiment_run_id, message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, ) return except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error( "%s encountered an %s, " "but there is no record of this phase in the store. " "I will not record this environment as I cannot do it; " "expect more errors from the store ahead.", self, repr(message), ) return environment_records = result[dbm.ExperimentRunPhase].environments try: environment_record = dbm.Environment( uid=message.environment_id, type=message.environment_type, parameters=message.environment_parameters, environment_conductor_uid=message.sender_environment_conductor, ) environment_records.append(environment_record) self._dbh.commit() self._known_environments[ ( message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, message.environment_id, ) ] = self._environment_ticks[ ( message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, message.environment_id, ) ] = 0 except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e: LOG.error( "%s encountered multiple copies of Environment(uid=%s) in the " "database already present for experiment_run_instance=%s and " "experiment_run_phase=%s. I'm not going to add another one. " "Expect more strange errors ahead... (%s)", self, message.environment_id, message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, e, ) self._dbh.rollback() def _get_environment_id( self, experiment_run_instance_id: str, experiment_run_phase: int, environment_id: str, ) -> dbm.Environment: """Retrieves a store record of an environment from cache or DB.""" index_key = ( experiment_run_instance_id, experiment_run_phase, environment_id, ) if index_key not in self._known_environments: query = ( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase, dbm.Environment, ) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.experiment_run_phases) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.environments) .where( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.uid == experiment_run_instance_id, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.number == experiment_run_phase, dbm.Environment.uid == environment_id, ) ) result = self._dbh.execute(query).one() self._known_environments[index_key] = result[dbm.Environment].id return self._known_environments[index_key] def _write_world_state(self, message: proto.EnvironmentUpdateResponse): try: environment_record_id = self._get_environment_id( experiment_run_instance_id=message.experiment_run_instance_id, experiment_run_phase=message.experiment_run_phase, environment_id=message.sender_environment_id, ) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: LOG.error( "%s found multiple records for the same Environment(uid=%s) " "during %s. " "Duplicates should not occur here; expect more errors ahead.", self, repr(message), ) return except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error( "%s found no record for the Environment(uid=%s) " "during %s. " "Was there no environment setup? Expect more errors ahead.", self, message.sender_environment_id, repr(message), ) return # Add a new world state. We don't use parent.append() here, because # we don't want to end up with a big augmented list... index_key = ( message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, message.sender_environment_id, ) if message.simtime and message.simtime.simtime_ticks: self._environment_ticks[index_key] = message.simtime.simtime_ticks else: self._environment_ticks[index_key] += 1 world_state_record = dbm.WorldState( simtime_ticks=self._environment_ticks[index_key], simtime_timestamp=( message.simtime.simtime_timestamp if message.simtime else None ), walltime=message.walltime, done=message.done, state_dump=message.sensors, environment_id=environment_record_id, ) self._dbh.add(world_state_record) self._maybe_commit() def _write_agent(self, message: proto.AgentSetupRequest): query = ( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase ) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.experiment_run_phases) .where( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.uid == message.experiment_run_instance_id, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.number == message.experiment_run_phase, ) ) try: result = self._dbh.execute(query).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered an AgentSetupRequest(" "experiment_run_id=%s, experiment_run_instance_id=%s, " "experiment_run_phase=%s), " "but there are duplicate entries for this run phase. " "I will not record this agent as I do not know to which " "phase it belongs. " "Expect more errors from the store ahead.", id(self), self.uid, message.experiment_run_id, message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, ) return except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered an AgentSetupRequest(" "experiment_run_id=%s, experiment_run_instance_id=%s, " "experiment_run_phase=%s), " "but there is no record of this phase in the store. " "I will not record this agent as I cannot do it; " "expect more errors from the store ahead.", id(self), self.uid, message.experiment_run_id, message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, ) return agent_records = result[dbm.ExperimentRunPhase].agents try: agent_records.append( dbm.Agent( uid=message.receiver_agent_conductor, name=message.muscle_name, configuration=message.configuration, muscles=[], ) ) self._dbh.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered multiple copies of Agent(uid=%s) in the database " "already present for experiment_run_instance=%s and " "experiment_run_phase=%s. I'm not going to add another one. " "Expect more strange errors ahead... (%s)", id(self), self.uid, message.rollout_worker_uid, message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, e, ) self._dbh.rollback() def _write_muscles(self, message: proto.AgentSetupResponse): query = ( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase, dbm.Agent, ) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.experiment_run_phases) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.agents) .where( dbm.Agent.uid == message.sender_agent_conductor, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.number == message.experiment_run_phase, dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.uid == message.experiment_run_instance_id, ) ) try: record = self._dbh.execute(query).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered an AgentSetupResponse(" "agent_conductor_id=%s, agent_id=%s, " "experiment_run_id=%s, experiment_run_instance_id=%s, " "experiment_run_phase=%s), " "but there are duplicate entries for this run phase. " "I will not record this agent's muscles as I do not know to " "which agent it belongs. " "Expect more errors from the store ahead.", id(self), self.uid, message.sender_agent_conductor, message.agent_id, message.experiment_run_id, message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, ) return except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error( "%s encountered an %s, " "but there is no record of this agent in the store. " "I will not record this agent's muscles as I cannot do it; " "expect more errors from the store ahead.", self, repr(message), ) return agent_record = record[dbm.Agent] agent_record.muscles.append(message.agent_id) flag_modified(agent_record, "muscles") # Mutations are not autotracked self._dbh.commit() self._known_agents[ ( message.experiment_run_instance_id, message.experiment_run_phase, message.agent_id, ) ] = def _get_agent_id( self, experiment_run_instance_id: str, experiment_run_phase: int, agent_id: str, ) -> dbm.Agent: index_key = ( experiment_run_instance_id, experiment_run_phase, agent_id, ) if index_key not in self._known_agents: query = ( dbm.ExperimentRunInstance, dbm.ExperimentRunPhase, dbm.Agent, ) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.experiment_run_phases) .join(dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.agents) .where( dbm.Agent.muscles.cast(Text).contains(agent_id), dbm.ExperimentRunPhase.number == experiment_run_phase, dbm.ExperimentRunInstance.uid == experiment_run_instance_id, ) ) self._known_agents[index_key] = ( self._dbh.execute(query).one()[dbm.Agent].id ) return self._known_agents[index_key] def _write_muscle_actions(self, message: proto.MuscleUpdateRequest): try: agent_record_id = self._get_agent_id( experiment_run_instance_id=message.experiment_run_instance_id, experiment_run_phase=message.experiment_run_phase, agent_id=message.sender_rollout_worker_id, ) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered an %s, " "but there are duplicate entries for this agent/run phase. " "This agent's inputs will be ignored and not stored, because " "I do not know to which agent it belongs." "Expect more errors from the store ahead.", id(self), self.uid, repr(message), ) return except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error( "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s) " "encountered an %s, " "but there is no record of this agent in the store. " "I will not record this agent's inputs as I do not know to " "which agent it might belong. " "Expect more errors from the store ahead.", id(self), self.uid, repr(message), ) return muscle_action_record = dbm.MuscleAction( agent_id=agent_record_id, walltime=message.walltime, simtimes=message.simtimes, sensor_readings=message.sensor_readings, actuator_setpoints=message.actuator_setpoints, rewards=message.rewards, objective=message.objective, statistics=message.statistics, ) self._dbh.add(muscle_action_record) self._maybe_commit() def _invalidate_cache( self, message: proto.SimulationControllerTerminationResponse ): """Cleans the local cache after a experiment run phase has ended.""" self._dbh.commit() if message.restart: return # Don't clean on restarts! self._environment_ticks = { k: v for k, v in self._environment_ticks.items() if ( k[0] != message.experiment_run_instance_id and k[1] != message.experiment_run_phase ) } self._known_environments = { k: v for k, v in self._known_environments.items() if ( k[0] != message.experiment_run_instance_id and k[1] != message.experiment_run_phase ) } self._known_agents = { k: v for k, v in self._known_agents.items() if ( k[0] != message.experiment_run_instance_id and k[1] != message.experiment_run_phase ) } @staticmethod def _read(msg): """Unpacks a message, filters ignores""" _ = msg.pop(0) empty = msg.pop(0) assert empty == b"" _ = msg.pop(0) # if len(msg) >= 1: # serv_comm = msg.pop(0) if len(msg) > 3: sender = msg.pop(0) empty = msg.pop(0) header = msg.pop(0) LOG.debug( "Ignored message parts: %s, %s, %s", sender, empty, header ) if msg[0] == MDP.W_HEARTBEAT: # We ignore heartbeats return "ignore", None, None if msg[0] == MDP.W_READY: return "ignore", None, None if len(msg) == 1: # it is a response uid = "" msg_obj = StoreReceiver._deserialize(msg.pop(0)) msg_type = "response" elif len(msg) == 2: uid = StoreReceiver._deserialize(msg.pop(0)) msg_obj = StoreReceiver._deserialize(msg.pop(0)) msg_type = "request" else: uid = "" msg_obj = "None" msg_type = "error" return msg_type, uid, msg_obj @staticmethod def _deserialize(msg): try: msg = deserialize([msg]) return msg except zlib.error: LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver received a message '%s', " "which could not be deserialized from zlib.", msg, ) try: msg = str(msg.decode()) return msg except AttributeError: LOG.debug( "StoreReceiver received a message '%s', " "which could not be str-decoded. ", msg, ) return msg def __str__(self): return "StoreReceiver(id=0x%x, uid=%s, uri=%s)" % ( id(self), self.uid, self._store_uri, )